Level 1: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 2: Synergy
Level 3: Synergy
Level 4: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 5: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 6: True Form
Level 7: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 8-11: Rabid
level 12-13: Synergy
Level 14: True Form
Level 15-25: Stats (and True form at 16)
Laning (if you're forced to...)
Level 1: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 2: Synergy
Level 3: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 4: Rabid
Level 5: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 6: Synergy/True Form
Level 7: Summon Spirit Bear
Level 8: True Form/Rabid/Synergy
Level 9-11: Rabid/True Form
level 12-13: Synergy
Level 14: True Form
Level 15-25: Stats (and True form at 16)
Skill Build Explanation
Spirit Bear
Spirit bear is the main hero for 70% of the game since early as it will deal most of the damage in gank or battle. Spirit bear also has Entangle which is your primary disable/harass/escape mechanism and demolish which is very effective to easy last hit those towers for extra gold. Therefore Spirit bear must be maxed first. Not getting bear means you are just an average agi paper hero with no escape mechanism, no harassment power, no ganking advantage, terrible farm, and most importantly: no easy tower gold
(Spirit Bear's base movement speed is 345)
Synergy is taken first to increase rabid duration, increase bear's damage for early jungle, and increasing Sylla's True Form HP. At level 3, I'd recommend taking Synergy first than Spirit Bear if you are jungling for the damage, or Bear first if you are laning so you can harass/return spam.
After Synergy is level 2, max Rabid first since Rabid duration is already the same with its Cooldown and you can perma-cast it. It also affects both Sylla and the bear, therefore increasing Sylla's dps for faster jungling and the extra movement speed on Sylla is useful in ganking or outrunning ganks.
True Form
True form is very crucial for Sylla since it grants him a bunch of hit points for his paper HP. Even though you lose ranged attack, you will jungle anyway so it won't make a difference. Especially in competitive, having more survivability is much more important than ranged attack. Sylla's HP is ~700 at level 6 therefore he will die easily when ganked. With two level of Synergy, True Form level 1 grants 450 more HP or 23 STR, just like a free Messerschmidt's Axe. That is HUGE for early game, even centaur with Ultimate has lower HP than Sylla. Therefore with True Form on, you will have the chance to survive solo gank most of the time including the feared NA. As a plus, Sylla can benefit more from QB since he is melee.
TIPS: Don't forget to re-turn on True Form whenever you level it up to benefit from the extra HP.
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