Ursa Skill Build

Skill Build:
Skill Build Reason
·Following some calculation result in a Post of mine in Chinese, Ursa can get his high explosive power earlier in the game. We need the max level of Overpower and Furry Swipes ASAP.

·So, when Ursa is level 10, only one level of Earthshock, max level of Overpower and Furry Swipes, one level of Enrage.

·If you feel great pressure in lane, level up Earthshock when Ursa is level 1 to get last hit.

·About how to choose Overpower and Furry Swipes in early level?
IDEA 1: For Higher Combo Damage
·Mathematic calculation result show us: When Ursa is level 7, in one or two combo of Overpower, the better way is to have lvl1 of Earthshock, lvl3 of Overpower, lvl2 of Furry Swipes and lvl1 of Enrage.

IDEA 2: For Roshan Farming Easier
·But if you want to farm Roshan when Ursa is level 7 easier, you can choose lvl1 Earthshock, lvl1 Overpower, lvl4 Furry Swipes and lvl1 Enrage.

Build Lane
Build Lane of IDEA 1:

01, Earthshock
02, Furry Swipes
03, Overpower
04, Overpower
05, Furry Swipes
06, Enrage
07, Overpower
08, Furry Swipes
09, Overpower
10, Furry Swipes
11, Enrage
12, Earthshock
13, Earthshock
14, Earthshock
15, Stats
16, Enrage

Build Lane of IDEA 2:

01, Earthshock
02, Furry Swipes
03, Overpower
04, Furry Swipes
05, Furry Swipes
06, Enrage
07, Furry Swipes
08, Overpower
09, Overpower
10, Overpower
11, Enrage
12, Earthshock
13, Earthshock
14, Earthshock
15, Stats
16, Enrage

Proceed below for Item Build:

Ursa Item Build

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