Chaos Knight Skill Build

Skill Build
Table of Contents
1. Chaos Bolt
2. Reality Rift
3. Chaos Bolt
4. Reality Rift
5. Chaos Bolt
6. Reality Rift
7. Chaos Bolt
8. Reality Rift
9. Stats
11. Phantasm
12. Critical Strike
13. Critical Strike
14. Critical Strike
15. Critical Strike
16. Phantasm
17-25. Stats

Bolt is maxed earlier than Reality Rift in order to maximize ganking potential. Each level of Chaos Bolt increases the average stun duration by .5 seconds, starting from 1.5 seonds. The first 3 levels of Chaos Bolt inrease the maximum duration (as well as decrease the probability of getting shorter stuns), while the last level grants you some consistency by guaranteeing a 2 second minimum.

Maxing Reality Rift next improves Nessaj's mobility by reducing the cd on Rift and dealing some extra damage. Due to Nessaj's high ms, only the first Rift is crucial to get within melee distance. Further Rifts help if you are being juked or if you were disabled and left behind. The last level is important because it lets you Rift twice during a normal gank.

Phantasm is put off until level 11 when you can get 2 images because it's too costly and ineffective early on. Illusion based heroes thrive on spawning many images at once (Naga Siren, Phantom Lancer and Terror Blade) to create confusion. With a high cooldown and only one image spawn early on, Nessaj cannot really be considered a standard image hero. You're better off improving your ganking skills to net kills for your team.

Stats at level 9 in the build is optional, but recommended over a single level of Critical Strike (the next take being 3 levels later), which is failry negligible (5.5% DPS increase). The stats help a little bit with Nessaj's mana issues in mid-game.

Proceed below for Item Build:

Chaos Knight Item Build

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