Skill Build:
There is only one good build, and it goes:
1. Telekenesis
2. Fade Bolt
3. Fade Bolt
4. Telekenesis
5. Fade Bolt
6. Spell Steal
7. Fade Bolt
8. Telekenesis
9. Telekenesis
10. Null Field
11. Spell Steal
12. Null Field
13. Null Field
14. Null Field
15. Stats
16. Spell Steal
17-25. Stats
Telekenesis is taken first to prevent FB atempts. Rubick isnt good for getting FB, so dont try it, you will only end up at half health or dead. Then we max Bolt, for damage purpose, it is spammable and more usefull than little prolonged stun. After that, Telekenesis, and Null field in end. Spell Steal is taken whenever possible, for obvious reasons. Stats are maxed last.
There are few variations though, like taking stats instead of null field if enemy has physical DPS team, and no spellcasters. Also, you can consider taking Null field instead of Telekenesis at level 4 if you are laning with enemy like Zeus. But i do not recomend it, since you are ganker, not laner.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Rubick Item Build
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