Yurnero Skill Build

Skill build:
1. Bladefury
2. Stat Bonus
3. Bladefury
4. Stat Bonus
5. Bladefury
6. Omnislash
7. Bladefury
8. Stat Bonus
9. Stat Bonus
10. Blade dance
11. Omnislash
12. Blade dance
13. Blade dance
14. Blade dance
15. Healing ward
16. Omnislash
17. Healing ward
18. Healing ward
19. Healing ward
20. Stat Bonus
21. Stat Bonus
22. Stat Bonus
23. Stat Bonus
24. Stat Bonus
25. Stat Bonus

Skill build justification:

We max out bladefury first. Why? I think its pretty obvious...good damage for early game and mid game and an escape tool that grants you spell immnunity.

Stat Bonus...reaaaaally? Not crits? Yes, your damage isnt so significant early game so lets leave damage dealing to mid and late game. And as I mentioned before Jugg has mana problems and Stats will fix it up a little.
All after that is I think pretty obvious. 

But if you feel confident that you have enough mana without getting a lot of stats early on OR you just switched your treads to int then get skills earlier. Go for it. 

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