Naix Skill Build

Skill Build

As the battlefield is fluid, skill builds too are fluid and should be adapted according to what you're facing and with whom you're laning, or if you're jungling.

The laning build :

1. Rage/Open Wounds/Feast
2. Feast/Rage/Open Wounds
3. Feast/Rage
4. Open Wounds/Rage
5. Feast/Rage
6. Infest
7. Feast/Rage
8. Rage/Feast
9. Rage/Feast
10. Rage/Feast
11. Infest
12. Open Wounds
13. Open Wounds
14. Open Wounds
15. Stats
16. Infest
17-25. Stats

This skill build is pretty straight-forward ; at level 1, you essentially have to choose whether you need that magic immunity to evade that First Blood attempt, or whether you need that slow so YOU can make that First Blood. If none of these are desired, Feast is the remaining logical choice. At level 4, you have at least 1 level of Rage and Open Wounds, so you have enough flexibility for a kill/saving your ass. Then, the first skill to be maxed is either Feast or Rage. Maxed Feast gives you that little extra HP regen if you occasionally hit a full HP creep/hero, and gives you the possibility to go jungling a bit if necessary, while a maxed Rage is in case the lane where you are is full of stunners/disablers or you're very aggressive and have some help to pwn your laning enemies. Finally, Open Wounds is maxed for the lower cooldown and for the greater healing that can make you outlast some carries.

However, that skill build is completely inadapted for jungling, so here's one for jungling :

Jungling build :

1. Feast
2. Rage
3. Feast
4. Open Wounds
5. Feast
6. Infest
7. Feast
8. Rage
9. Rage
10. Rage
11. Infest
12. Open Wounds
13. Open Wounds
14. Open Wounds
15. Stats
16. Infest
17-25. Stats

Proceed below for Item Build:

Naix Item Build

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