Jakiro Skill Build


Level 1: Dual Breath
Level 2: Ice Path
Level 3: Dual Breath
Level 4: Liquid Fire
Level 5: Dual Breath
Level 6: Liquid Fire
Level 7: Dual Breath
Level 8: Liquid Fire
Level 9: Liquid Fire
Level 10: Macropyre
Level 11: Macropyre
Level 12:Ice Path
Level 13: Ice Path
Level 14: Ice Path
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Macropyre
Levels 17-25: Statsstatsstats...


Dual Breath is ALWAYS maxed first. It's your best skill, its a strong AoE nuke, it slows. Nuff said.

Icepath vs. Liquid Fire: Liquid Fire is a superb pushing skill and doesn't even cost mana. If your team is running a push-strat this spell along with dual breath is gonna help a lot, the fact that it damages and slows tower attacks is invaluable. The first level of Ice Path disables a full second compared to 2 seconds with Ice Path maxed, thats why i threw a level in there. I consider this skill-build fairly balanced, you can ofc screw this proposed skill-build and do whatever the fuck you want. I'm serious, both skills have their uses, the one shines in pushing/farming, the other in ganking/clashes.

Macropyre has a pretty high manacost and little effect on lower levels, especially when you take into consideration that its best used in big clashes, which will not occurr at early stages of the game. After the buffs of 6.65, it isn't completely retarded to get it at 6, i still wouldn't advise it though. Adapt, if you somehow have too much mana (*cough* Maiden *cough*) or you can make good use of it for some reason (e.g. multiple enemies trying to get a tower early) feel free to level it earlier.

Note: Skill- or item builds are not set in stone. Except for Dual Breath. Dual Breath is ALWAYS (!!!) maxed first. Adapt to the game.

Proceed below for Item Build:

Jakiro Item Build

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