Nerubian Assassin Skill Build
8:31 PM
*Scarabs = Urna Swarm <-- this sounds weird, I love "Scarabs" more Proceed below for Item Build: Nerubian Assassin Item Build
*Scarabs = Urna Swarm <-- this sounds weird, I love "Scarabs" more Proceed below for Item Build: Nerubian Assassin Item Build
Bone Clinkz Skill Build
8:27 PM
Skill build
Level 1 - Windwalk
Level 2 - Searing arrow
Level 3 - Searing arrow
Level 4 - Strafe
Level 5 - Searing arrow
Level 6 - Death Pact
Level 7 - Searing arrow
Level 8 - Windwalk
Level 9 - Windwalk
Level 10 - Windwalk
Level 11 - Death Pact
Level 12 - Strafe
Level 13 - Strafe
Level 14 - Strafe
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Death Pact
Level 17 - Stats
Level 18 - Stats
Level 19 - Stats
Level 20 - Stats
Level 21 - Stats
Level 22 - Stats
Level 23 - Stats
Level 24 - Stats
Level 25 - Stats
Proceed below for Item Build:
Bone Clinkz Item Build
Level 1 - Windwalk
Level 2 - Searing arrow
Level 3 - Searing arrow
Level 4 - Strafe
Level 5 - Searing arrow
Level 6 - Death Pact
Level 7 - Searing arrow
Level 8 - Windwalk
Level 9 - Windwalk
Level 10 - Windwalk
Level 11 - Death Pact
Level 12 - Strafe
Level 13 - Strafe
Level 14 - Strafe
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Death Pact
Level 17 - Stats
Level 18 - Stats
Level 19 - Stats
Level 20 - Stats
Level 21 - Stats
Level 22 - Stats
Level 23 - Stats
Level 24 - Stats
Level 25 - Stats
Proceed below for Item Build:
Bone Clinkz Item Build
Bloodseeker Skill Build
8:23 PM
Skill build
01. Blood Bath
02. Strygwyr's Thirst
03. Blood Bath
04. Strygwyr's Thirst
05. Blood Bath
06. Rupture
07. Blood Bath
08. Strygwyr's Thirst
09. Strygwyr's Thirst
10. Bloodrage
11. Rupture
12. Bloodrage
13. Bloodrage
14. Bloodrage
15. Stats
16. Rupture
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats
Note: If you're laning vs. heroes with good magic damage a Bloodrage at low level can prevent you and your lane partner from getting killed. It's not always needed though, depends on what you're facing.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Bloodseeker Item Build
01. Blood Bath
02. Strygwyr's Thirst
03. Blood Bath
04. Strygwyr's Thirst
05. Blood Bath
06. Rupture
07. Blood Bath
08. Strygwyr's Thirst
09. Strygwyr's Thirst
10. Bloodrage
11. Rupture
12. Bloodrage
13. Bloodrage
14. Bloodrage
15. Stats
16. Rupture
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats
Note: If you're laning vs. heroes with good magic damage a Bloodrage at low level can prevent you and your lane partner from getting killed. It's not always needed though, depends on what you're facing.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Bloodseeker Item Build
Naix Skill Build
8:17 PM
Skill Build
As the battlefield is fluid, skill builds too are fluid and should be adapted according to what you're facing and with whom you're laning, or if you're jungling.
The laning build :
1. Rage/Open Wounds/Feast
2. Feast/Rage/Open Wounds
3. Feast/Rage
4. Open Wounds/Rage
5. Feast/Rage
6. Infest
7. Feast/Rage
8. Rage/Feast
9. Rage/Feast
10. Rage/Feast
11. Infest
12. Open Wounds
13. Open Wounds
14. Open Wounds
15. Stats
16. Infest
17-25. Stats
This skill build is pretty straight-forward ; at level 1, you essentially have to choose whether you need that magic immunity to evade that First Blood attempt, or whether you need that slow so YOU can make that First Blood. If none of these are desired, Feast is the remaining logical choice. At level 4, you have at least 1 level of Rage and Open Wounds, so you have enough flexibility for a kill/saving your ass. Then, the first skill to be maxed is either Feast or Rage. Maxed Feast gives you that little extra HP regen if you occasionally hit a full HP creep/hero, and gives you the possibility to go jungling a bit if necessary, while a maxed Rage is in case the lane where you are is full of stunners/disablers or you're very aggressive and have some help to pwn your laning enemies. Finally, Open Wounds is maxed for the lower cooldown and for the greater healing that can make you outlast some carries.
However, that skill build is completely inadapted for jungling, so here's one for jungling :
Jungling build :
1. Feast
2. Rage
3. Feast
4. Open Wounds
5. Feast
6. Infest
7. Feast
8. Rage
9. Rage
10. Rage
11. Infest
12. Open Wounds
13. Open Wounds
14. Open Wounds
15. Stats
16. Infest
17-25. Stats
Proceed below for Item Build:
Naix Item Build
As the battlefield is fluid, skill builds too are fluid and should be adapted according to what you're facing and with whom you're laning, or if you're jungling.
The laning build :
1. Rage/Open Wounds/Feast
2. Feast/Rage/Open Wounds
3. Feast/Rage
4. Open Wounds/Rage
5. Feast/Rage
6. Infest
7. Feast/Rage
8. Rage/Feast
9. Rage/Feast
10. Rage/Feast
11. Infest
12. Open Wounds
13. Open Wounds
14. Open Wounds
15. Stats
16. Infest
17-25. Stats
This skill build is pretty straight-forward ; at level 1, you essentially have to choose whether you need that magic immunity to evade that First Blood attempt, or whether you need that slow so YOU can make that First Blood. If none of these are desired, Feast is the remaining logical choice. At level 4, you have at least 1 level of Rage and Open Wounds, so you have enough flexibility for a kill/saving your ass. Then, the first skill to be maxed is either Feast or Rage. Maxed Feast gives you that little extra HP regen if you occasionally hit a full HP creep/hero, and gives you the possibility to go jungling a bit if necessary, while a maxed Rage is in case the lane where you are is full of stunners/disablers or you're very aggressive and have some help to pwn your laning enemies. Finally, Open Wounds is maxed for the lower cooldown and for the greater healing that can make you outlast some carries.
However, that skill build is completely inadapted for jungling, so here's one for jungling :
Jungling build :
1. Feast
2. Rage
3. Feast
4. Open Wounds
5. Feast
6. Infest
7. Feast
8. Rage
9. Rage
10. Rage
11. Infest
12. Open Wounds
13. Open Wounds
14. Open Wounds
15. Stats
16. Infest
17-25. Stats
Proceed below for Item Build:
Naix Item Build
Doom Bringer Skill Build
8:11 PM
-Skill Build-
Versus solo heroes
1. Devour
2. LVL? Death
3. Devour
4. LVL? Death
5. Don't add anything
6. Doom
7. Is my opponent level 6 yet? LVL? Death x 2
8. Devour
9. Devour
10. Scorched Earth
11. Doom
12-14. Scorched Earth
15. Stats
16. Doom
17-25. Stats
Versus 2 or more heroes
1. Devour
2. LVL? Death
3. Devour
4. LVL? Death
5. LVL? Death
6. Doom
7. LVL? Death
8. Devour
9. Devour
10. Scorched Earth
11. Doom
12-14. Scorched Earth
15. Stats
16. Doom
17-25. Stats
Devour: Should be taken at level 1, because every Devour is a free last hit.
Scorched Earth: The last skill to be maxed as it isn't quite as useful as the other 2.
LVL? Death: Your only nuke, which should be maxed out fast.
Doom: No brainer, the higher the level the better the effectiveness, and Doom is a very useful skill.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Doom Bringer Item Build
Versus solo heroes
1. Devour
2. LVL? Death
3. Devour
4. LVL? Death
5. Don't add anything
6. Doom
7. Is my opponent level 6 yet? LVL? Death x 2
8. Devour
9. Devour
10. Scorched Earth
11. Doom
12-14. Scorched Earth
15. Stats
16. Doom
17-25. Stats
Versus 2 or more heroes
1. Devour
2. LVL? Death
3. Devour
4. LVL? Death
5. LVL? Death
6. Doom
7. LVL? Death
8. Devour
9. Devour
10. Scorched Earth
11. Doom
12-14. Scorched Earth
15. Stats
16. Doom
17-25. Stats
Devour: Should be taken at level 1, because every Devour is a free last hit.
Scorched Earth: The last skill to be maxed as it isn't quite as useful as the other 2.
LVL? Death: Your only nuke, which should be maxed out fast.
Doom: No brainer, the higher the level the better the effectiveness, and Doom is a very useful skill.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Doom Bringer Item Build
Chaos Knight Skill Build
9:32 PM
Skill Build
Table of Contents
1. Chaos Bolt
2. Reality Rift
3. Chaos Bolt
4. Reality Rift
5. Chaos Bolt
6. Reality Rift
7. Chaos Bolt
8. Reality Rift
9. Stats
11. Phantasm
12. Critical Strike
13. Critical Strike
14. Critical Strike
15. Critical Strike
16. Phantasm
17-25. Stats
Bolt is maxed earlier than Reality Rift in order to maximize ganking potential. Each level of Chaos Bolt increases the average stun duration by .5 seconds, starting from 1.5 seonds. The first 3 levels of Chaos Bolt inrease the maximum duration (as well as decrease the probability of getting shorter stuns), while the last level grants you some consistency by guaranteeing a 2 second minimum.
Maxing Reality Rift next improves Nessaj's mobility by reducing the cd on Rift and dealing some extra damage. Due to Nessaj's high ms, only the first Rift is crucial to get within melee distance. Further Rifts help if you are being juked or if you were disabled and left behind. The last level is important because it lets you Rift twice during a normal gank.
Phantasm is put off until level 11 when you can get 2 images because it's too costly and ineffective early on. Illusion based heroes thrive on spawning many images at once (Naga Siren, Phantom Lancer and Terror Blade) to create confusion. With a high cooldown and only one image spawn early on, Nessaj cannot really be considered a standard image hero. You're better off improving your ganking skills to net kills for your team.
Stats at level 9 in the build is optional, but recommended over a single level of Critical Strike (the next take being 3 levels later), which is failry negligible (5.5% DPS increase). The stats help a little bit with Nessaj's mana issues in mid-game.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Chaos Knight Item Build
Table of Contents
1. Chaos Bolt
2. Reality Rift
3. Chaos Bolt
4. Reality Rift
5. Chaos Bolt
6. Reality Rift
7. Chaos Bolt
8. Reality Rift
9. Stats
11. Phantasm
12. Critical Strike
13. Critical Strike
14. Critical Strike
15. Critical Strike
16. Phantasm
17-25. Stats
Bolt is maxed earlier than Reality Rift in order to maximize ganking potential. Each level of Chaos Bolt increases the average stun duration by .5 seconds, starting from 1.5 seonds. The first 3 levels of Chaos Bolt inrease the maximum duration (as well as decrease the probability of getting shorter stuns), while the last level grants you some consistency by guaranteeing a 2 second minimum.
Maxing Reality Rift next improves Nessaj's mobility by reducing the cd on Rift and dealing some extra damage. Due to Nessaj's high ms, only the first Rift is crucial to get within melee distance. Further Rifts help if you are being juked or if you were disabled and left behind. The last level is important because it lets you Rift twice during a normal gank.
Phantasm is put off until level 11 when you can get 2 images because it's too costly and ineffective early on. Illusion based heroes thrive on spawning many images at once (Naga Siren, Phantom Lancer and Terror Blade) to create confusion. With a high cooldown and only one image spawn early on, Nessaj cannot really be considered a standard image hero. You're better off improving your ganking skills to net kills for your team.
Stats at level 9 in the build is optional, but recommended over a single level of Critical Strike (the next take being 3 levels later), which is failry negligible (5.5% DPS increase). The stats help a little bit with Nessaj's mana issues in mid-game.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Chaos Knight Item Build
Axe Skill Build
9:30 PM
Skill Build
1 - Counter Helix
2 - Berserker's Call
3 - Counter Helix
4 - Berserker's Call
5 - Counter Helix/Berserker's Call
6 - Culling Beard
7 - Counter Helix/Berserker's Call
8 - Berserker's Call/Counter Helix
9 - Berserker's Call/Counter Helix
10 - Stats
11 - Culling Beard
12 - Stats
13 - Stats
14 - Stats
15 - Stats
16 - Culling Beard
17 - Stats
18 - Stats
19 - Stats
20 - Stats
21 - Stats
22 - Nothing
23 - Nothing
24 - Nothing
25 - Nothing
Basically, Axe's build is pretty set in stone. The question of whether to max Counter Helix or Berserker's Call first basically comes down to how much you can depend on your team: if you have a good supporting team and can count on things like ganks, enabling you to basically farm the pussies on the other team, max Call first. If you can't depend on your team (ie, you're playing in a shitty pub) and you need to thin out the local wildlife in order to get going, max Helix first.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Axe Item Build
1 - Counter Helix
2 - Berserker's Call
3 - Counter Helix
4 - Berserker's Call
5 - Counter Helix/Berserker's Call
6 - Culling Beard
7 - Counter Helix/Berserker's Call
8 - Berserker's Call/Counter Helix
9 - Berserker's Call/Counter Helix
10 - Stats
11 - Culling Beard
12 - Stats
13 - Stats
14 - Stats
15 - Stats
16 - Culling Beard
17 - Stats
18 - Stats
19 - Stats
20 - Stats
21 - Stats
22 - Nothing
23 - Nothing
24 - Nothing
25 - Nothing
Basically, Axe's build is pretty set in stone. The question of whether to max Counter Helix or Berserker's Call first basically comes down to how much you can depend on your team: if you have a good supporting team and can count on things like ganks, enabling you to basically farm the pussies on the other team, max Call first. If you can't depend on your team (ie, you're playing in a shitty pub) and you need to thin out the local wildlife in order to get going, max Helix first.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Axe Item Build
Rubick Skill Build
9:27 PM
Skill Build:
There is only one good build, and it goes:
1. Telekenesis
2. Fade Bolt
3. Fade Bolt
4. Telekenesis
5. Fade Bolt
6. Spell Steal
7. Fade Bolt
8. Telekenesis
9. Telekenesis
10. Null Field
11. Spell Steal
12. Null Field
13. Null Field
14. Null Field
15. Stats
16. Spell Steal
17-25. Stats
Telekenesis is taken first to prevent FB atempts. Rubick isnt good for getting FB, so dont try it, you will only end up at half health or dead. Then we max Bolt, for damage purpose, it is spammable and more usefull than little prolonged stun. After that, Telekenesis, and Null field in end. Spell Steal is taken whenever possible, for obvious reasons. Stats are maxed last.
There are few variations though, like taking stats instead of null field if enemy has physical DPS team, and no spellcasters. Also, you can consider taking Null field instead of Telekenesis at level 4 if you are laning with enemy like Zeus. But i do not recomend it, since you are ganker, not laner.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Rubick Item Build
There is only one good build, and it goes:
1. Telekenesis
2. Fade Bolt
3. Fade Bolt
4. Telekenesis
5. Fade Bolt
6. Spell Steal
7. Fade Bolt
8. Telekenesis
9. Telekenesis
10. Null Field
11. Spell Steal
12. Null Field
13. Null Field
14. Null Field
15. Stats
16. Spell Steal
17-25. Stats
Telekenesis is taken first to prevent FB atempts. Rubick isnt good for getting FB, so dont try it, you will only end up at half health or dead. Then we max Bolt, for damage purpose, it is spammable and more usefull than little prolonged stun. After that, Telekenesis, and Null field in end. Spell Steal is taken whenever possible, for obvious reasons. Stats are maxed last.
There are few variations though, like taking stats instead of null field if enemy has physical DPS team, and no spellcasters. Also, you can consider taking Null field instead of Telekenesis at level 4 if you are laning with enemy like Zeus. But i do not recomend it, since you are ganker, not laner.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Rubick Item Build
Rhasta Skill Build
9:24 PM
1. Skill Build
'The Common Build'
1. Shackles
2. Ether Shock
3. Ether Shock
4. Shackles
5. Ether Shock
6. Mass Serpent Wards
7. Ether Shock
8. Shackles
9. Shackles
10. Voodoo
11. Mass Serpent Wards
12. Voodoo
13. Voodoo
14. Voodoo
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Mass Serpent Wards
17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
This build adapts to Rhasta's disable usages. With Shackles going first, you can be sure even if you meet heroes on the lane, it is worth a start. Voodoo is usually gotten last due to the massive mana needed. Another build would be to max out Ether Shock, then Voodoo, then lastly Shackles. Some people use the build for the extra disable they need. It is also a key that Ether Shock nukes out and harass enemies that get near the lane, so it is a powerful spell.
'The Disabler'
1. Shackles
2. Voodoo
3. Shackles
4. Voodoo
5. Shackles
6. Mass Serpent Wards
7. Shackles
8. Voodoo
9. Voodoo
10. Ether Shock
11. Mass Serpent Wards
12. Ether Shock
13. Ether Shock
14. Ether Shock
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Mass Serpent Wards
17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
This is a different type of build, where people will make use of Rhasta's disabling skills. More importantly, a 2nd level of Voodoo can help alot in the early kills. So pick this if you think you're ready for some disable.
'The Competitive Skill Build'
1. Shackles
2. Ether Shock
3. Ether Shock
4. Voodoo
5. Ether Shock
6. Mass Serpent Wards
7. Ether Shock
8. Voodoo
9. Voodoo
10. Voodoo
11. Mass Serpent Wards
12. Shackles
13. Shackles
14. Shackles
15. Stats
16. Mass Serpent Wards
17 - 25. Stats
The competitive skill build for Rhasta. Though I said that this guide is not suitable for competitive play, it's just a skill build to let you understand how to play for him.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Rhasta Item Build
'The Common Build'
1. Shackles
2. Ether Shock
3. Ether Shock
4. Shackles
5. Ether Shock
6. Mass Serpent Wards
7. Ether Shock
8. Shackles
9. Shackles
10. Voodoo
11. Mass Serpent Wards
12. Voodoo
13. Voodoo
14. Voodoo
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Mass Serpent Wards
17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
This build adapts to Rhasta's disable usages. With Shackles going first, you can be sure even if you meet heroes on the lane, it is worth a start. Voodoo is usually gotten last due to the massive mana needed. Another build would be to max out Ether Shock, then Voodoo, then lastly Shackles. Some people use the build for the extra disable they need. It is also a key that Ether Shock nukes out and harass enemies that get near the lane, so it is a powerful spell.
'The Disabler'
1. Shackles
2. Voodoo
3. Shackles
4. Voodoo
5. Shackles
6. Mass Serpent Wards
7. Shackles
8. Voodoo
9. Voodoo
10. Ether Shock
11. Mass Serpent Wards
12. Ether Shock
13. Ether Shock
14. Ether Shock
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Mass Serpent Wards
17 - 25. Attribute Bonus
This is a different type of build, where people will make use of Rhasta's disabling skills. More importantly, a 2nd level of Voodoo can help alot in the early kills. So pick this if you think you're ready for some disable.
'The Competitive Skill Build'
1. Shackles
2. Ether Shock
3. Ether Shock
4. Voodoo
5. Ether Shock
6. Mass Serpent Wards
7. Ether Shock
8. Voodoo
9. Voodoo
10. Voodoo
11. Mass Serpent Wards
12. Shackles
13. Shackles
14. Shackles
15. Stats
16. Mass Serpent Wards
17 - 25. Stats
The competitive skill build for Rhasta. Though I said that this guide is not suitable for competitive play, it's just a skill build to let you understand how to play for him.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Rhasta Item Build
Gondar Skill Build
9:19 PM:Skills:

Shuriken Toss
The Bounty Hunter throws a shuriken at a target unit, dealing damage.
[Level 1] - 100 Damage
[Level 2] - 200 Damage (Increases by 100)
[Level 3] - 250 Damage (Increases by 50)
[Level 4] - 325 Damage (Increases by 75)
Cooldown: 10 Seconds.
Mana Cost: 90/115/135/155
Casting Range: 650
Shuriken Toss is a powerful nuke, and is unique in that it's greatest effectiveness arrives when you have two points into it. It's not rare for you to finish weakened heroes with this amazing ability once Gondar reaches Level 3. When with a competent laning partner, as I should expect you to be, Windwalk+Shuriken out of nowhere devastates most heroes.
[Damage Calculations]
To finish off an enemy hero with Shuriken, they must be below: 75, 150, 188, 244 life. We'll call those your Magic Numbers. Additionally, if you pop out with Windwalk you will be dealing damage according to the table below:

Most importantly you are going to be these types of calculations early on the game -- later on they will be less important as ganks will be too hectic to be calculating your damage output especially when heroes will have lots of extra armor and spell reduction by that time -- so you can't always be too sure. At level 7 you can deal roughly 375 damage with WW/Shuriken, and upwards of 440+ at level 9. This is only including Tracking the enemy, backstabbing once with Windwalk and throwing a single Shuriken. Due to your naturally high MS and track's bonus MS you can steady chase down and finish the hero with a second Shuriken if necessary.
[Don't Waste Mana!]
When playing Gondar it's essential that you do not waste mana. Do not attempt to track and combo a hero that has 1000+ life with no ally around; you'll only exhaust your abilities and end up getting hurt in the process - meaning you get no kill and have to go back to the fountain to heal. The reason I included such a precise chart is so that you have an idea of how much damage you can deal; so you know which prey to go after. If you see a hero pushing with under 400 life, feel free to tear through him like paper.
[Remember your "Magic Numbers"]
When enemies are running to their tower or otherwise you are unable to catch up, NEVER Shuriken unless they are under the bracket! Don't forget your magic numbers: 75, 150, 188, 244. If you can't finish an enemy, don't bother wasting your precious mana as Shuriken is a very expensive nuke; especially for an Agility Hero. Often times I see players using Gondar waste their precious mana only to get an enemy down to 20 life when they are heading back to heal anyways. The only exception is if you think an ally can finish with a long-range nuke after you use your Shuriken; just don't be foolish with such an unforgiving mana pool.
REITERATION: Like mentioned above, don't waste mana! Only use Shuriken when you know it will land either you or an ally the kill.
[Late-game Shuriken]
When Late-game rolls around, you'll no longer be using Shuriken as a nuke - but instead as a means to cancel dangerous Channeling abilities like Shackles, Freezing Field, Epicenter, or someone's BoT/Scroll of TP.

Wind Walk
Turns invisible for a period of time. Deals bonus backstab damage. Transition time decreases per level.
[Level 1] - 30 backstab damage, lasts 15 seconds.
[Level 2] - 60 backstab damage, lasts 20 seconds.
[Level 3] - 90 backstab damage, lasts 25 seconds.
[Level 4] - 120 backstab damage, lasts 30 seconds.
Cooldown: 15 Seconds.
Mana Cost: 50
Windwalk is what makes you a true assassin and a dangerous ganker. Don't feel as if you invincible because you can invis-away at the last second, though. Wards, Dust, Gem, and other anti-invisibility abilities can be easily obtained to destroy you. The main purpose of this ability is to get in close and dodge thrown-spells like Stormbolt. Windwalk is often considered, like I said above, an escape-mechanism. True, it's quite an amazing ability for doing so, but it's other uses are too commonly neglected.
[Initiating with Windwalk]
A common mistake for Initiating with invisibility is to simply "right-click" on the enemy hero then cast a spell immediately after. It's not necessarily terrible, but there are much better ways to open with it. First off, try to wait around invisible until your allies are ready. Have your teammates rush out to attack the enemy(s) and backstab and track when the time is right. When coming out of invisibility, you want to make sure you're "blocking" the enemy. Be at an awkward angle so the enemy will either have to fumble around you or go the other way -- running into your team.
When Initiating against 2 or more heroes, things are a bit different. You often want to place yourself so that you can tap one hero while being remotely far away from the second enemy. Wait until the enemies move apart a bit, or until one gets distracted by something else. Once again, wait until your team comes up before you reveal yourself that way you don't get focused immediately -- you'll be torn apart with even basic nukes. And, of course, NEVER try to initiate when you don't have a confident team that will gank with you. It's not too rare, especially in public games, for your team to back away like pussies when you try to set up a gank.
[Dodging Spells]
There are many heroes that have point and click spells that can easily be dodged. Make these heroes cry when they waste their precious mana only for you to dodge it with an ability that only costs 50! It's even better than dodging with Blink because you can also move up to them and backstab them too. Hooray. Let's take a look at some abilities you can dodge with Wind-Walk:


Vengeful Spirit's Magic Missile. Costs her: 95/110/125/140 Mana; 10 second cooldown.


Sven's Storm Bolt. Costs him: 140 Mana; 8 second cooldown.


Skeleton King's Hellfire Blast. Costs him: 140 Mana; 8 second cooldown.


Broodmother's Spawn Spiderlings. Costs her: 75/90/105/120 Mana; 10 second cooldown.


Witch Doctor's Paralyzing Cask. Costs him: 140 Mana; 20/18/16/14 second cooldown.



Queen of Pain's Shadow Strike. Costs her: 80/100/120/140 Mana; 22/21/20/16 second cooldown.
Queen of Pain's Scream of Pain. Costs her: 140 Mana; 10 second cooldown.


Chaos Knight's Chaos Bolt. Costs him: 140 Mana; 10 second cooldown.


Alchemist's Unstable Concoction. Costs him: 75 Mana; 16 second cooldown.


Tinker's Heat Seeking Missile. Costs him: 120/140/160/180 Mana; 25 second cooldown.


Viper's Viper Strike. Costs him: 125/175/250 Mana; 80/50/30 second cooldown.


Juggernaut's Omnislash. Costs him: 200/275/350 Mana; 130/120/110 second cooldown.
It's Worth Noting that Tidehunter's Gush, Ogre Magi's Ignite, Phantom Lancer's Spirit Lance, and other spells specifically cannot be dodged; and certain abilities that are stormbolt-based move too quickly to be dodged. Just keep in mind that dodging spells with WW provides as an extremely handy tool for making enemies waste mana. Always remember which heroes have abilities that you can dodge and be prepared to tap W as soon as you see them try to throw a nuke at you. It may take a bit of practice when timing it, but it can be amazing when you pull it off correctly.
TIP: When you level up Windwalk, your "fade time" (the time it takes for you to become fully invisible) is reduced, allowing a safer escape!
[Invisibility Detectors!]
Warning! If you are near a tower, or they have some other form of invisibility-detection, dodging spells will NOT work! To ensure that there are no wards around, wander around invisible first to see if they attack you, and check everyone's inventories for Gems and Dust.
[Dodging Spells Part II: "Baiting"]
There's nothing more satisfying than baiting an enemy into wasting a spell only to Dodge it. Get into a position where your enemy will want to try and throw an ability at you then immediately wind-walk away from it. This works especially well if you act like a moron; making them believe they can get an easy kill by stunning you. Although this is not necessarily recommended against all types of players, because this little trick can be foiled with invis-detection or the enemy having allies coming to gank you while you're messing around. If you open up a gank by running out and dodging a spell; things are already far into your favor as the enemy will rarely have enough time to let his ability's cooldown refresh. You can also bait heroes like Pudge and PotM into using Meathook / Elune's Arrow by standing still and waiting for them to use their ability, then instantly moving out of the way.
[Windwalk as an Escape Mechanism]
Windwalk is also a great escape mechanism, but like I've said before -- you're not invincible because you can turn invisible. Not only can they get invisibility, they can use abilities on the ground like Shockwave, Fissure, Light-Strike Array, etc. to finish you off. Never wait until the last second to Windwalk and always make sure they have no true-sight. It's important to juke in an unexpected way when using Windwalk. If you Windwalk and move in the direction you were already running as you transitioned, they will aim a spell in that same direction about 95% of the time. Windwalk, then about a second later, randomly turn sharply and head a new direction to throw them off. If they see you turning during transition time, they may notice what you're trying to do, so be careful -- especially against intelligent players.
TIP: If you have Boots of Travel, you can teleport while invisible!

Passively adds a critical strike and maim to Bounty Hunter's next attack, has a cooldown. Slows for 25% attack and movement speed at all levels.
[Level 1] - 1.4x critical multiplier.
[Level 2] - 1.6x critical multiplier.
[Level 3] - 1.8x critical multiplier.
[Level 4] - 2.0x critical multiplier.
Passive Ability
Sweet and Simple. This ability is what allows you to remain a solid hero as the game progresses into its later stages. The crippling effect allows you to chase down enemies without fail and the Critical means you will not be subjected to Crystalis or Buriza so you can focus on the big-boy DPS items like Monkey King Bar and Stygian.
TIP: Did you know Critical hits also work with Lifesteal from items like Mask of Madness and Vladmir's offering?
[Maximizing Potential]
The best effects to accompany critical damage are Lifesteal, Cleaving Attack, and of course: Pure Damage. Since you won't be farming, grabbing a Battlefury is extremely foolish -- it will give you way too much incentive to farm instead of gank. Lifesteal is powerful and can allow you to recover from near-death situations, so that's definitely something we will look into. Finally comes pure, unrefined damage. The best items for pure damage are Stygian Desolator and Monkey King Bar; so we'll have to decide which one is the best for your particular situation. Item discussion will be later; but for the most part, Jinada has no vital tactics to learn -- so that's about it for this ability.

Track (Ultimate)
Tracks an enemy hero for 30 seconds or until it dies. Allied units near the tracked target gain 20% movement speed increase. If the target dies, Bounty Hunter gets bonus gold.
[Level 1] - 75 bonus gold, reduces target's armor by 1.
[Level 2] - 150 bonus gold, reduces target's armor by 3.
[Level 3] - 225 bonus gold, reduces target's armor by 5.
Cooldown: 10/7/5 Seconds.
Manacost: 70/60/50
Casting Range: 750/950/1150
Aura Range: 800 (Allies within this range of the tracked target get the movement speed bonus)
Track is a wonderful ability, and is why Gondar remains a commonly picked hero for countering invisibility heroes such as Rikimaru. Track gives you wicked movement speed so you can chase down enemies with ease and gives you a hefty amount of bonus gold when the hero dies. Remember that you don't have to be the one who last-hits the hero to get your bonus -- as long as it dies you can claim your reward.
[Tagging with Track]
Make sure you Track early and often! It's rather cheap, gives a nice MS bonus, and allows you to see the enemy. Even if you're too low life or out of mana to help your team gank, a Track can make things much easier for your allies as they won't be outran or lose sight of the enemy in fog of war. Tagging every enemy with Track also lands you that delicious bonus to gold when the target dies -- and if you're good, virtually every single kill on the enemy team for the entire game will give you bonus gold due to Track. Tagging with Track early also ensures that heroes like Treant Protector, Rikimaru, Clinkz, etc. won't be able to go invisible and ruin your gank. Make sure you're always with your team against enemy invisibility heroes so your never has to waste money on wards or dust!
Whenever an enemy can outrun you and you can't get close enough to use Track or get within Track's MS Aura, you can always count on another nearby enemy to help you out. Use Track on the other enemy so you get the MS bonus from them, then charge up to the much weaker target you were initially chasing. Although this is a rare tactic, it's helped me numerous times when chasing down low-life heroes that need only a single Shuriken Toss to kill. Sometimes its better to go out of your way to Track a different enemy just to get the MS boost. Don't forget the range of the Aura is 800 -- just a little farther than the range of a tower -- and lasts 1 additional second after leaving that range.
Proceed below for Item Build:
Gondar Item Build