Rigwarl Skill Build

9:15 AM

1 - Quill Spray/Bristleback
2 - Bristleback/Quill Spray
3 - Quill Spray
4 - Bristleback
5 - Quill Spray
6 - Warpath
7 - Quill Spray
8 - Bristleback
9 - Bristleback
10 - Viscous Nasal Goo
11 - Warpath
12 - Viscous Nasal Goo
13 - Viscous Nasal Goo
14 - Viscous Nasal Goo
15 - Stats
16 - Warpath
17-25 - Stats

Proceed below for Rigwarl Item Build:

Rigwarl Item Build
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Huskar Skill Build

9:07 AM
The Skill Build

1. Burning Spears
2. Berserker's Blood
3. Burning Spears
4. Berserker's Blood
5. Burning Spears
6. Life Break
7. Burning Spears
8. Berserker's Blood
9. Berserker's Blood
10. Inner Vitality
11. Life Break
12. Inner Vitality
13. Inner Vitality
14. Inner Vitality
15. Stats
16. Life Break

The Reasoning

Burning Spears is what makes Huskar, Huskar. Without maxing it asap you are completely wasting his potential. What makes Burning Spears so effective early game compared to other slowing orbs is the amount of damage dealt after you attack, it really adds up. On a single enemy hero the Burning Spears damage from 5 stacked spears alone over 6 seconds is 360 magical damage after reduction, and that's not even mentioning the damage you yourself deal from Huskar's attacks. Later there will be a section extensively covering this skill.

Now here's where the debate beings, Berserker's Blood or Inner Vitality? Honestly there is no argument, Berserker's Blood wins hands down. By spamming Burning Spears on your enemies your own hp drops too, and although some say that you don't have enough hp to utilize it, remember it's percentage based. That means that early game when you have the lowest amount of hp, it activates faster than in any other stage of the game. The huge damage and IAS boost really makes Huskar a devastating dpser all game, and playing mind games with this skill give you such a good-feeling as you take down the full hp enemy while you're at red hp the entire fight.

In the item build below I start with 6 tangoes and a salve, that's 1210 hp worth of regeneration. That is far more than Huskar should need in an average lane, and that should cover for him in a harsh lane as well. Inner vitality is simply pathetic early levels. Remember that it is percentage based, because of that the later in the game the more effective it is. Huskar's stats early on aren't that terrific, and he has a shitty strength growth. On top of the fact that it won't heal much, look at it's mana cost! Huskar has a terrible intelligence growth, he can't afford to use spells that cost a whopping 170 mana per cast! Save this till later.

Life Break is a powerful battle-turner and slow, and later on I'll show you how to utilize it to perfection. Half of it's use is to slow and damage the enemy, and the other half is to actually damage yourself. By hurting Huskar you just pumped him full of damage and IAS with Berserker's Blood, making him far stronger. Get this whenever available.

Proceed below for Huskar Item Build:

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Dragon Knight Skill Build

9:01 AM
Skill Build

1 - Dragon Tail
2 - Dragon Blood
3 - Breathe Fire/Dragon Blood
4 - Breathe Fire/Dragon Blood
5 - Breathe Fire/Dragon Blood
6 - Elder Dragon Form
7 - Breathe Fire/Dragon Blood
8 - Stats/Breathe Fire
9 - Stats/Dragon Blood
10 - Stats/Dragon Blood
11 - Elder Dragon Form
12 - Stats
13 - Dragon Blood/Stats
14 - Dragon Blood/Stats
15 - Dragon Blood/Stats
16 - Elder Dragon Form
17+ - Stats/Dragon Tail

Davion's ideal build is the first skill listed for each level. Depending on how much harassment you're facing - or how just plain awful you are - you may require an additional level of Dragon Blood for survivability. Don't take additional levels of it unless you simply aren't surviving. However, don't max Breathe Fire any later than Level 8, as it only loses its value over time. Maxing Dragon Tail can wait until after Level 16, when the increased stun duration becomes more meaningful. In general, the better you're doing, the more often you should skill up Stats because it will bring you closer to taking over the game.

Proceed below for Item Build:

Dragon Knight Item Build
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Clockwerk Skill Build

8:55 AM
Skill builds and justifications

Clockwerk skillbuilds are fairly flexible. You should always consider the specificites of each game: Are you soloing against a trilane? Against another solo? Are you soloing mid, or laning with someone? What kind of Clockwerk (ganker/lane controller) would be the most efficient?

The cookie cutter:

Level 1: Rocket Flare
Level 2: Battery Assault
Level 3: Battery Assault
Level 4: Power Cogs
Level 5: Battery Assault
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Battery Assault
Level 8: Rocket Flare
Level 9: Rocket Flare
Level 10: Rocket Flare
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot

Explanation: This is the most common Clockwerk skillbuild, and you can basically use it every game without taking risks. Both Power Cogs and Rocket Flare are good at level 1, and that early level of cogs is going to help you quite a bit during ganks. This is also the best build against dual stun lanes, provided your lane partner have a ranged disable.

The side solo Clockwerk

Level 1: Rocket Flare
Level 2: Battery Assault
Level 3: Rocket Flare
Level 4: Battery Assault
Level 5: Rocket Flare
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Rocket Flare
Level 8: Battery Assault
Level 9: Battery Assault
Level 10: Power Cogs
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot

Explanation: This is a very popular in competitive DotA nowadays, taking advantage of the fact that Clock is one of the very few heroes in DotA able to get a fair amount of creep kills without dying against trilanes, on top of being a good Solo versus Solo hero when it comes to sidelanes. This is a fairly static way of playing Clockwerk: you should stay on your lane, taking as much creeps as you can without taking too much risks (especially against trilanes). This playstyle usually evolves into a tanky Clockwerk (VG/Pipe/Blademail) focusing on teamfights rather than on ganks.

The gambler

Level 1: Rocket Flare
Level 2: Battery Assault
Level 3: Rocket Flare
Level 4: Battery Assault
Level 5: Battery Assault
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Battery Assault
Level 8: Rocket Flare
Level 9: Rocket Flare
Level 10: Power Cogs
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot

Explanation: This is the build you want against some particular heroes mid: agressive laners without disables, like SF or Tinker. The second level of rocket gives you slighty better harass/farming potential early in the game (at level 3), and you basically bet you won't need cogs to kill them, since they won't stun you. This is risky but it may be highly rewarding.

The trilane/First blood attempt

Level 1: Battery Assault
Level 2: Power Cogs
Level 3: Battery Assault
Level 4: Rocket Flare
Level 5: Battery Assault
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Battery Assault
Level 8: Rocket Flare
Level 9: Rocket Flare
Level 10: Rocket Flare
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot

Explanation: With the recent competitives trend of trilanes (Rattletrap is a decent trilaner assuming your partners know what they are doing)/with roamer like VS trying to score a first blood with your help (and the help of your lanemate, obviously), you should consider trying this build: the pseudo slow from battery assault and the decent damage (6.67 Battery buff) are quite effective. Since most trilanes right now have 2 ranges+1 melee, a level of cogs is great for your two lanepartners.

Proceed below for Item Build:

Clockwerk Item Build
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